Vesuvius is everywhere

The words of all European languages
as well as the geographical and personal names
are marked by the system of the Vesuvian matrix


Starting page:


View of Mount Vesuvius
from the Amphitheater of Pompeii

The shaping of the ancient and modern European languages
by the names Greeks – Priam – Paris – Vesuvius –
Naples – Troy – IliumTripolis, etc.

See also: The matrix of ancient history

See also: A manifesto to clarify historical criticism


The creation of the vocabulary of the ancient and modern European languages as well as the geographical and personal names was a homogenous even totalitarian process, which took place less than 300 years ago.

By analyzing the different important words and names of the above complex we reveal the same principles around the creation of words and names.

An efficient and consistent analysis requires the following philological tools:

Only the consonants are important.

 The principal form of a word or name in Latin was the accusative, not the nominative case.

In order to find the original pattern you have to devocalize the word or name.

Example: Vesuvius or Vesulius, VESUVIUM or VESULIUM = VSV/M or VSL/M

A word or name needs three consonants.

Sequences with more than three consonants are to be considered as composed names.

Example: Naples, Neapolis > NEAPOLIM = NPLM, NPLS

You have to know that the sequence of the three indispensable consonants can be read backwards.

Example: Naples (NPL) = NPL > LPN

The sequence can also be randomised.

Example: NPL > PNL > VNT

The popular forms of a word prevail over classical Latin grammar. So the neuter form doesn't exist in this philological context.

Example: Milk, in Latin: LAC, accusative case: LACTEM (not tolerated in classical Latin)

In ancient times some letters could be read different from writing:

The letter S could be considered as a C.

Example: Sancta Neapolis (Saint Naples) = S.NPL > C.NPL or G.NPL

The letter L could be considered as an upside down T.


The letter T could be read as an upside down L.

And last but not least: There is no difference between P, V and F.

Example: PNL > VNL or FNL

The Hebrew article ha was frequently used before a Latin or Greek word or name.


The revocalization of a word or name takes part only after a successful analysis.

The derivations are not always correct. You have to know that it is us who try to recreate the original system.

Some explanations may be wrong or ambiguous. The ambiguity was a principle of the creation of words and names. It allowed quite a lot of variations with only a small amount of words and names.

The list is temporary and being constantly growing.

Here the emphasis lies on the personal names and the words in the different languages, with only a few geographical names.

You have to know that it was the prestige of a name which led to the different words. In the course of transformation, for example, Vesuvius lost its single meaning as a denomination for a mountain. It could as well denote a city, a river or even a function (bishop).

The religious and Christian background of the Vesuvian philological complex (see S or ST = SANCTUS. saint) should always be taken into consideration.

Here Hebrew, Latin, Greek, as well as words and names in the modern languages are put in italics.

Note that the original viewpoint of this philological analysis is German based. That explains the frequent words from that language. And there are more suitable examples in German than in English or in a Latin based language.

Geographical and personal names, as well as words from the different languages are intrinsically tied together. So you should present examples from all these three categories.


The Trojan War was a religious war between Greeks and Trojans.

Kirche (German) (CRC) = CHURCH

kriechen (German) = to CRAWL

Krieg (German) = war

Krieg-Stetten (village in Switzerland)

Recke (German) = a hero (in the Greek or Trojan war)

Ilion, Ilium

Iljon means lion in French and in other languages. The lion was the Trojan coat of arms.

Ill (river in Alsace)

Iller (river in Alsace)

Illiswil (village in Switzerland)

Illnau (village in Switzerland)

Lille (city in France)

Lyon (city in France)

Sanctum Iljum (Saint Iljum)

Stahl (German) = STEEL

Stall (German) = stables

The savior was born in a stable, accompanied by the star of Bethlehem.

Stella (Latin) = STAR

Stilfs (Italian: Stelvio) (village in Tirol)

still (German) = quiet, (STILL)

Stilli (village in Switzerland)

Stuhl = chair, STOOL

Neapolis (Naples)

Naples means new town or new city in Greek.

Synonyms are Troy, Pompeii, and Rome.

Affe = (German) (N)P(L) = APE

Die Alpen = LPN > NPL = the ALPS

Apfel (German) = PL > (N)PL = APPLE

(Via) Appia (N)P(L) = NPL

Bali = PL > (N)PL (Island in Indonesia)

bellum (Latin) = war


Hannibal (ha/NPL)

India = (V)NT > PNL > NPL = Naples

Laben (German) = to refresh

Laub (German) = foliage, LEAVES

laufen (German) = to run

Lepanto (town in Greece)

Libya (LPM > LPN > NPL)

lieben (German) = to LOVE

loben (German) = to praise

Nabe (German) = hub

Nabel (German) = NAVEL

Napf (mountain in Switzerland)


Nebel (German) = fog, mist


Noppe (German) = (K)NUB

novale, novalis = novus (Latin) (Naples means new town )

nubes, nuvole, nuages (Latin, Italian, French) = clouds


Oppidum (castle, fortification) = PTM > NPLM = NEAPOLIM, Neapolis

Paulus = PLM > NPLM = NEAPOLIS, Naples




Plurs (Italian: Piuro) (legendary, lost town in Graubünden)


Poland = (Na)polonia



taufen (German) = to baptize

Taufers (village in Austria)


Venice = PNT > PNL > NPL = Naples

Waffe (German) = WEAPON

Wappen (German) = coat of arms

Wind (German) = VNT > PNL > NPL = WIND


(legendary, lost town in the Baltic Sea near the German coast, a Nordic Pompeii or Plurs - Piuro)

Sancta Neapolis (Holy Naples)

Caballus (popular Latin) = horse = CPL > S.PL > S.(N)PL = SANCTA NEAPOLIS, holy Naples

Canopus = mythical city in Egypt

Genf (Geneva) (CNP > S.NPL)

Knebel (German) = gag

Senf (S.NP > S.NPL) (German) = mustard

Kapelle = CHAPEL



Paul was a Neapolitan. So the meanings Saint Paul and Saint Naples can interfere.

Poltrona (Italian) = armchair

 Savon (French) or Seife (German) = SOAP


Savona (town in Italy)

Savonarola (legendary reformer in Florence)

Savoy (region in France)


Syphilis (S.PLS)

The most important sexually transmitted disease was called mal de Naples (French) in ancient times. This demonstrates the Neapolitan origin of this term.

Priamus (Priam)

(Kadesh) Barnea (biblical place, f.e.: Deuteronomy 1, 2)

Bauer (Dialekt: Pur = PRM) (German) = FARMER

Péronne (city in France)

Blume (PLM > PRM) (German) = flower


brennen (German) = to BURN

Brenner (pass in Austria)

Brombeere (German) = blackberry, BRAMBLE-berry

Brunnen (German) = fountain


Frau (German) = woman

frei (German) = FREE

froh (German) = happy, merry, FROLIC

Fron (German) = drudge, corvee


Guerre, guerra (PR > PRM) = (Trojan) WAR

Ophir (the land of gold in Ancient Testament) = PR(M) = PRIAMUM, Priamus. It means Peru.

Pflaume (German) (PLM > PRM) = PRUNE (French and English)

Pharoh (Hebrew: par'oh)

prunus, a, um (Latin)


Werra = PR(M) = PRIAMUM, Priam (river in Germany)

Sanctus Priamus (Saint Priam)

Capra (Latin) = goat

Capri (C.PRM > S.PRM) (Isle before the gulf of Naples)

Käfer (German) = beetle

Kapern (German) = CAPERS

Kyffhäuser (mountain in Germany)

Safran (German) = saffron

severus, severum (S.PRM) = SEVERE


Siviriez (village in Switzerland)

Speer (German) = SPEAR

Tiber (TPRM > S.PRM) (river in Italy)

Zabern (Savernes) (town in Lorraine)

Paris, Persia

Paris was the favorite son of King Priam.

The Franks considered themselves first as Persians with the capital Paris.

Later Persia became the name of that Oriental country.

Abessinia (PSS > PRS)



Prison (English + French)


Reuss = (P)RS (river in Switzerland)

(P)Reussen = Russen (in German)


Roma (Rome)

amare (MR > RM) = Rome = to love

arm (German) = poor

Gomorra = ha + morra = MR > RM = ROMAM, Roma

Sodom and Gomorra were twin towns, which perished at the same time.

According to the ancient chronicles after the destruction of Pompeii, Rome burnt for three days.

For Sodom see Sancta Troja.

Mann (German) (RO-MANUS) = MAN

Mauer (dialect: Mur) (German) = wall

Ruhm (German) = glory

Rümligen (village in Switzerland)

Uri (canton in Switzerland)

Sancta Roma (Saint Rome)

Ceramics = C.RM > S.RM = SANCTAM ROMAM, Sancta Roma

Sarmates (ancient people)

Sarno (River at Pompeii)

Saronno (town in Italy)

Sancta Rumelia (Saint Rumelie)

Rumelia is the foothills of Rome, especially Eastern Rome = Constantinople.

Even at the end of the 19th century the southern Balkan countries, especially Bulgaria, were called Rumelia.


(Mount) Carmel = C.RML > S.RML = SANCTA RUMELIA, holy Rumelia

Sarmates (ancient people)

Troja (Troy)

Dorn (German) = THORN

Dürr (German) = DRY

Mörtel (German) (MRT > TRM = TROJAM, Troja) = MORTAR

MORTEM (Latin), MORT (French) = death

Murten – Morat (town in Switzerland)

tarnen (German) = to camouflage (to TARNISH)

terram, terra (TRM) = land, earth


tirah (hebrew: castle)

Tor (German) = door

Tora(h) = the five books of Moses

torréfier (French: to roast)

trimmen (German) = to TRIM

Troia (town in Italy)

troia (Italian) = swine)

Schwein (German from Hebrew she'vah = SEVEN) was another arm of coat of Troy or Iljon.


Troyes (town in France)


Turm (German) = TOWER


The Troas is the Trojan countryside.

Tresa (village in Switzerland)

Triesen (village in Liechtenstein)

Trost (German) = consolation

Sancta Troja (Saint Troy)

Santorin (Isle in Greece)



Sodom = S.TM > S.T(R)M

Pompeii (or Troy) was considered a depraved city, a town of sin. Its destruction was a divine punishment.

Stern (German) = STAR

Strom (or: Sancta Roma?) = STREAM


The legend of Atlantis (as told from the Neapolitan PLATO) is a variation of the story of Troy:

Atlantis is a wealthy seaside city, also a land and a continent, and trades with far away countries. It perishes like Pompeii, Vineta or Plurs (Piuro).

Geographically the model of Atlantis was the harbor of Taranto in Southern Italy. - Ravenna, and especially Venice, were other models for the legend.


Attalens (village in Western Switzerland)


Land, LAND = LNT > (T)LNT(M)

London = LNTM > (T)LNTM


Le Talent (small river in Western Switzerland)

Tarantum (Taranto) (Harbor in Southern Italy) = TRNT > TLNTM

Toledo, TOLETUM = TL(N)TM = ATLANTIM, Atlantis


Vesuvius is a sacred mountain, even in ancient Rome. Its rumbling and spitting fire is a divine sign to return to the ancient religion of the fathers (Tite Live).

Asche (German) = ASH


Bischof German) (VSC > VSL), vescovo (Italian), évèque (French), BISHOP

Esche (German) = (V)SC > VSL) = ASH

Monte PASUBIO (mountain in Italy)

See (German) = (V)S(L) = SEA

selig (German) (V)SL = merry, blessed


Dent de VEISIVI (mountain in Switzerland)

Vesoul (town in France)

vinum, vin, Wein = WINE


Wallis (canton in Switzerland)

Welpe (German) = WHELP, cub


Welsch (German) = Romance speaking

Wolke (German) (VLC > VLS) = cloud

Sanctus Vesuvius (Saint Vesuvius)

Savièse (village in Switzerland)

Sevelen (village in Switzerland)

Neapolis + Troja (Troy)

Naples, respectively Troy, was under oppressive rule.

Folter (German) (PL/TRM > NPL + TRM = Neapel + Troja) = torture

poltern (German) = to crash, to bang, to stump


TRIPOLIS means three cities. However, you have to consider the name as a contraction between TROY and NAPLES.

Treffels (German) – Treyvaux (French) (village in Switzerland)

Tribey (village in Switzerland)


Marcus (Mark), mart, martyr

Mark is the patron saint of Venice = Naples or Troy.

The seafaring city of Troy was destroyed, burnt, and her inhabitants killed.

So the name Mark has different meanings, all related to the story of Troy.


MARCUS = MRC > MRT = MART, mercatus

Mart, Markt (German) = MART

MARCUS = MRC > MRT = martyrium, martyr

MARCUS = MRC > MRT = mortem, mors = death


(See: The origin of the name AMERICA)


Sanctus Marcus (Saint Mark)

Camargue (C.MRC > S.MRC) (country in Southern France)

Samarkand (city in Central Asia)

Marco Polo, the Venitian Neapolitan, traveled by Samarkand to China.

Sancta Maria (Saint Mary)





Samaria (ancient city in Palestine)

